13 Freelance Online Jobs for College Students That Pay $15/Hour (2021)

You would like a side hustle or maybe a new career that you love or simply more freedom and flexibility but you've been postponing this for awhile because you don't feel ready?

Am I right? 

Well there's no reason to wait anymore because in today's article I'm going to share with you 13 different types of freelance jobs with no experience required and I'm gonna walk you through real examples that are hiring right now. 

So let's make today the day you started pursuing your dream.

if you're looking to create a fabulous career and master your life. 

If you're new around here. 

Let's get straight into the 13 freelance jobs for beginners with no experience required. 

so I'm gonna switch you over to my screen in a moment and I'm gonna do one of those article where I share my screen and I walk you through everything because I noticed that these are the article that you like so that's what I'm gonna be doing today.

 But before we do that, I wanna make two comments. Comment number one is you need to start before you're ready. 

You cannot wait until you feel a 100% absolutely certain of your capacity and capability and skills and readiness in order to start because you're just delaying reaching your dream and I promise you you will get better as you go. 

You don't have to be perfect from the beginning. 

Nobody is and the longer you wait the longer it'll take you to get to your dream. 

So start before you're ready Even if it feels uncomfortable I promise you it'll get better Also if you feel a little bit uncomfortable that is actually good because it will put you in a position where you want to over deliver and you want to give it your best and make sure that your customers will be pleased which is absolutely fantastic. 

And if you wanna know more about finding the right balance and about identifying the pace that you should be following then make sure you watch this article here where I talk you through my success formula and the seven steps that I always follow in order to get to success. 

And I've been using this for the past 15 years and it has always led me to success.

 And I'm so, so proud of this article and I really hope that you find it helpful as well Comment number two is all of the jobs that I'm going to be showing to you today are from Upwork because this is the platform that I feel most comfortable and that I have been using the most, but I do not have any affiliation whatsoever with Upwork

I do not gain anything by showing this to you It is simply because I feel it's a platform that is very easy to navigate and that you will find a lot of opportunities in.

 But if you wanna know more about other platforms where you could look for freelancing jobs or remote working opportunities. 

Then I have another article which I'm gonna link here where I have been talking about the seven platforms or websites where you can apply and look for legit remote working opportunities. 

so now I am in front of my computer I have opened Upwork and I've made a few selections If you are curious to know what is my advice in terms of filters and selections that you should make in order to find opportunities when you have no experience or when you're new to Upwork then let me know in the comments below and I'm happy to create a article where I talk you through my thoughts around that. 

so let me switch over to my screen right now and walk you through the five categories that I have split these 13 different freelance jobs into.

 I want to make it easy for you to follow and to really only watch whatever is relevant to you

So I'll make it super easy I'll link everything in the order I am mentioning it down below and you can go and only watch the ones that make sense to you All right so let's start with category number one which is social media related freelance jobs.

 And the first one that I want to talk to you about is an online community manager For online community management what you are expected to do is quite self-explanatory. 

The intention is that you manage an online community for a solopreneur a freelancer or a small startup that want to have a presence and manage an online community but need somebody to do that for them. 

And typically what you would need to be doing is answer comments accept or decline requests to join that community. 

Make sure you point people to the right resources and address any questions that the community will ask. 

So let's go in here and type online community manager you see there are already a lot of different options that you could try. 

Let's go for the online community management first

And I also filtered for entry level experience simply because I wanna make sure that there's no expectation for experience in the job description. 

And you will see that in some cases they do require some experience but you will be able to find and I'm gonna show now some jobs that don't mention any expectations regarding your experience. 

So for online community management you see we already found 244 jobs. 

Let's take some examples 

You see we already have an online reputation management specialist Let's take a look at this one community manager for. And essentially what it says is we need to improve our thread on pantid.com and looking for an experienced community manager. 

You could be experienced even if you have your online community yourself, and you've been managing that group on your own. 

Let's see if we find another one

 A part-time social media customer service and moderation And literally this is something that was posted 22 minutes ago And it says if you're a customer service professional that loves to talk to people about all things hair and beauty. 

You see they're talking about daily monitoring comment approval blocking and deletion as I was saying responding to comments. 

So this one is obviously a specific one for beauty community but I'm sure if we kept looking further we should be able to find different types of community managers for the online space for different types of topics and areas. 

let's go to the second job that I want to share with you today which is an SEO keyword research analyst. 

So let's go simply here and type S-E-O Research. 

You see SEO keyword research SEO keyword research SEO. 

There are different types of keywords that you can use in this case as well. 

Let's go for SEO keyword research for now. 

And we already found 350 jobs at the entry level. 

So you see they're looking for SEO SMO for a WordPress website. 

Let's take a look at this one. Simple and easy WordPress site with SEO optimization We would like to create a simple and basic and well SEO optimized WordPress website for small geology company. 

Entry-level looking for freelancers with the lowest rates Let's look at another one an SEO keyword content plan in French this time and the expectation is that you would put specific keywords in a CSV file. 

So essentially what an SEO keyword research manager or analyst would be doing is exactly this. 

Your customer would give you a list of keywords that they need you to research and then upload into a database be that a CSV file or an Excel file or in other times they would ask you to identify keywords for a specific topic and on a specific platform. 

As you can see, there are plenty of examples where no experience is required and if you know thing or two about SEO then this might be something you would be interested in trying out. Now let's go to the third freelance job with no experience required which is an outreach specialist. 

And maybe I could have put this one into the sales category that I'm gonna talk about in a minute. 

But essentially what an outreach specialist does is on a specific platform that is chosen by your customer which could be Facebook or Instagram or even through email you would be asked to reach out to individuals that you would need to bring over to join a different online community or a group or follow that particular customer's online presence or online channels. So let's go in here and type outreach specialist. You see for this one we found 23 jobs that meet our filter. For example this one says looking for a client outreach specialist  ASAP!

 SEO specialist link builder for an IT niche needed Let's see this one VA needed for email outreach long term. 

And essentially if you look at the expectations fluent in English diligent and honest has attention to detail positive and ambitious and driven to succeed. 

This job will involve communicating through email and negotiating prices. 

I'll teach you how to do that. It is not hard but your English must be impeccable So you see there's no expectation for you to have any experience related to being an outreach specialist. 

You only need to be fluent in English and you don't even need to be a native speaker. Let's see, another one. 

Admin or sales assistant for cold email outreach Duties you'll be provided with a spreadsheet of contacts and email template. 

You may be required to research individual or companies for the right person to speak with, and you would need to manage initial responses and pass them along tome for further sales. 

So this would be a combination of lead generation and email outreach. In other cases you would need to do social media outreach so you wanna be very careful exactly what the job requirement is. 

Last but not least in terms of social media, freelancer jobs that would be very suitable for beginners Let's talk about data collection or data entry internet research. 

What jobs are hiring to work from home?

So I'm gonna go here and type data entry. 

And typically for a data entry internet researcher what you would need to do is look for particular data points or particular information on a specific topic that your customer gives you and you would research that for them and come back to them with the data in any given format that they require. 

It could be in an Excel spreadsheet or in a different type of format maybe in a Word document that they would like you to summarize and crystallize the data for them. 

What jobs can you work from home without a degree?

Let's take a look at this job posting

 which says data collection,leads lists and web research. And essentially what you are expected to do is to find a list of companies in a certain category. 

You need a list of people in certain areas or need to find weather information for multiple locations create lists with specifics locations in Australia. 

So as you can see there is no requirement for you to have any experience for this job whatsoever other than really internet research which probably all of us can do. 

So you look at another job opportunity which says research and data collection mortgage rates. 

So essentially this company is looking for somebody who can do research on mortgage rates across the US basically Googling to find lenders around the nation both large banks like Chase and Citi and smaller local credit unions. 

So as you can see again no expectation in terms of your level of expertise. 

They are actually posting this at an entry level. 

And actually the job is expected to take you about 30 hours a week and is a project for one to three months. 

So you can even find long-term engagements not only the very short-term ones or a one-off gig that you typically find on this type of platforms. 

let's move to category number two which is sales related jobs for freelancers who are just at the beginning and just starting their journey. 

And here the first one that I wanna talk to you about is an eCommerce research analyst and this one is a rather newer one. 

And it's because of the high surge that we're seeing right now in terms of Amazon FBA or Shopify drop shipping businesses that are more and more present in the market. 

And because of this you will see more and more job opportunities being posted on Upwork or on any other platform where these companies are looking for researchers or analysts that are able to follow their research methodology and identify products or product categories that would be interesting for those drop shipping businesses to look into, and may be expand their portfolio into. 

let's take a look at an e-commerce research analyst and there aren't a whole lot of options right now on Upwork but I did manage to find two. 

for example there's this one that is literally called e-commerce research analyst. 

And there is an opportunity to grow with this company as well. 

What are the easiest jobs to get with no experience?

they're looking for a longer term type of collaboration. 

You see it says a more than six months and the intention and the duties are to do daily research of trends and products that are coming to the market and identify new niche opportunities for this business. 

Also if we are looking at the other option there is an Amazon product sourcing researcher and virtual assistant and the responsibilities are pretty much similar. 

In some cases it would be good if you have some knowledge of product outsourcing or working with vendors but it's not necessarily required. 

And in most cases, these companies are gonna teach you their research methodology that you can learn and apply in order to go ahead with your first freelancing opportunity. 

Now let's move into the second one that is also related to this area and what I'm talking about here is an online store customer support or a drop shipping order processing analyst. 

And for the these ones I was able to identify a couple of job opportunities as well even though there are many many others on Upwork. 

as you can see we have here a customer service drop shipping where it says I wish to recruit a person in charge of my French customer service. 

I have a business worth several hundred thousand euros  and I wish to delegate the task of customer service to a competent person who will be able to handle my email on a daily basis. 

Again, there's no expectation for you to have much or any experience in this field whatsoever. 

Now let's move to the third category that I wanna talk about which is technology. 

There will be tons and tons and tons of job opportunities on Upwork related to technology and for today I did not want to talk about any coding opportunities but for today I want to talk about being a software tester or a QA tester for on-premium or mobile apps. 

And there are so many Let me only show you a couple Bug hunt $20 to a person who  will help us catch a crash. 

all you need to do is install the app, open it and create an account inside the app and try to get the crash. 

If you're able to replicate you get $20. 

How do I get a job online with no experience?

There's another job opportunity that is online right now. 

It says need someone to test my app on Galaxy S8 You literally only need to know how to use your phone and play with the app and test it and report bugs. 

There is another opportunity for a technical QA iOS app tester. 

So basically somebody is developing an iOS application and they need somebody to help them with the testing and the test would be done on your iPhone or your iPad. 

And as the development goes you will test different builds and send issues that you find, which is literally what an app tester does. 

You would be playing with the app on your phone or on your iPad or on your computer identify issues and crashes or bugs and report them back to the development company. 

now let's go into the fourth category that I would like to cover today which is language related job opportunities. 

And here you will see that I'm gonna cover opportunities for native speakers but also opportunities for translation type roles.  

let's move to the first one in this category which is a content writer And we're gonna go in just a second to the screen and search for this keyword. 

But what I wanna mention here is you only need to have experience in a topic that is of interest to you Maybe one of your passions one of your hobbies that you would be able to write about. 

So let's go in here and search for a content writer. 

And even though I have filtered for entry level you see we already have 1120 different jobs that exist for this one. 

There is a content writing for construction industry so if you've been working in this industry or you have any knowledge then that could work for you and you will see in terms of content writing there will be very specific opportunities depending on the language that you would need to write in. 

 if you are fluent in multiple languages then the number of opportunities that you will be able to apply for will obviously increase and you can see we're already seeing different opportunities for Slovak writing for Arabic writing. 

There is here an opportunity for a family travel website WordPress designer content writing on various topics in Danish as I was saying a lot of specific languages. 

You see an e-book editor and so forth  as you can see, content writers are certainly in high demand and it could go from social media content to eBooks even to YouTube scripts. 

you see here somebody is looking for script writers for YouTube videos. 

let's now move to the next one in this category which is a translator. 

building on skills,covering multiple languages. If you are able to use your mother tongue and English or an other internationally used language then you would certainly be able to find translation opportunities. 

for the sake of example let's go back here at the top and search for let's say Polish translation. Already 30 jobs found. 

Native Polish record project. Polish translator. 

Native Polish speaker for English-Polish translation I'm sure we could do the same for other languages. So let's try German and you see in this case there are 127 jobs identified for German translators.

 English to German translator. 

Native German translator needed Children's Channel. 

Dutch and German translator. 

Translate my website from English to German. 

as you can see if you master multiple languages it will be quite easy for you to find freelance jobs even if you are a beginner as long as you are able to use those multiple languages to translate from one into another. 

And this is because as I was saying in this article here and in a number of others companies are looking for opportunities to expand their reach and expand their target audience into new markets. 

And in order to do that, they need to be able to address them in their local language which is why they're looking for translation services. 

And in connection to this, let me move to the next opportunity that I would like to share with you which is a translation proofreader Essentially here what you need to do is be able to use your multi lingual expertise or knowledge and validate a translation that was done by somebody else. 

German translation proofreading as an example. 

Obviously you will need to search based on the languages that you speak. 

And the more exotic the better because I am sure there will be a need for you. 

Look at this one short German translation proofread and certify accredited translator not required. 

German proofreader for a pet website. 

There is another one for a translator and a proofreader into Danish even better if more than one Scandinavian language. 

So definitely a lot of opportunity here as well now let's move to the last one in this category which is a voice over talent. 

even if you only speak English or you speak multiple languages there will be a need for your capabilities as a voice over talent. 

And essentially what this means is that you will be hired to readout loud with intonation certain content for either audio books or different types of audio content what we can find for voice over talent. 

you see here there is a Mandarin female singer needed for children's animation. 

Looking for female voice narrator. 

Short French recording male. 

Mexican or Hispanic voice over. 

Voice talent for Pets Channel. 

Swedish female voice for commercial and so forth. 

as long as you are able to read with intonation there should be pretty good opportunities for you to tap into and find your first freelance opportunity right now. 

now let's move into the fifth category that I would like to talk to you about, and cover the last two job opportunities that I think are worthwhile your attention. 

The first one that I wanna talk about is a bookkeeper or a journal entry analyst. 

If we are to go and search for examples I'm sure we should be able to find quite a few. 

And typically what you would need to do as a book keeper or a journal entry specialist or an analyst you would be given probably different invoices or different receipts that you would then need to input into various accounting systems that this customer that you would be working with is using. 

And essentially it is a data entry work but it requires that you understand some very basic related to bookkeeping. 

In this case we were able to find 246 jobs currently valid on Upwork for bookkeeping services at entry level. 

And I'm sure we can find some really really interesting ones. 

Quick Books online accounting and book keeping. 

A finish company is looking for bookkeeping. 

VA needed to help with running and growing a construction and development company. 

Finance and accounting assistant and so forth. 

I'm sure that you would be able to find your first opportunity as a bookkeeper if this is what you are trained in or that you specialize in and it doesn't even require that you are familiar or certified in any type of bookkeeping standards. 

It is really just a an entry level job that you would get to start your freelancing career of course that could continue and become a long-term collaboration for you and you could even step up and get an accountant opportunity or a long-term role with that customer.  

last but not least, let me talk to you about a virtual assistant and yes this is probably a very very diverse type of a position. 

Can I work from home with no experience?

you would need to be very careful in reading the requirements for that job opportunity. 

But what I'm referring to here is literally somebody who is able to manage someone's calendar manage someone's email and support with this type of activities. 

And again this would be the type of service you would offer to a small entrepreneur or a startup that is just beginning their activity and are looking for somebody to offload this type of work to. 

in order to get very specific and not waste our time and search on to generic job opportunities that call for a VA virtual assistant. 

Let's look specifically at email management. 

VA needed to help with running and growing a construction and development company. 

Manage emails and messages under good instructions. 

What could be more straight forward than this? 

it's very specific it says about one hour a day and five to seven days. 

Facebook marketplace advertising Airbnb/room rental business easy and good instructions. 

And I would gather this is a trustworthy hiring company since they have already spent over $20,000 on Upwork and they have a verified payment method. 

certainly there's a lot of opportunity for you already right now on up work. 

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