Free Templates For YouTube Creators 2021

Today in this article i wanna going to show Free Templates For YouTube Creators 2021

Free Templates For YouTube Creators 2021
Every YouTuber know what assets are necessary we all need some animations for your videos at some point sometimes we need lower third animation sometimes we need end screen animations all these things can be downloaded from this website alright 

so if you look at my screen I have this website open that is by the way there's link in the description below you can click on that link you can download Free Stock videos Free Music and Free Video Templates 

How do I make YouTube channel art for free?

so if you click on video templates and here you can see some links to Title  Transitions Lower Thirds Call outs Openers and here's YouTube so in today's article 

we will only discuss about YouTube category and here you can download some very excellent End article like these and these are very beautifully designed all of these are animated 

you just have to drag and drop on your premiere project and edit your content alright so we gonna try all of these well not all of these but can we can try a few of these templates 

but to try these we need a Premiere project and I've already opened a Premiere project of my own client she is a very good client and she has her own YouTube channel yes Saima Imran my wife by the way her channel is not related to graphics 

it's basically targeted to school teachers and educationists and it has no content about designing as I said she is my client so I'm doing her video editing 

so here you can see her video's End Screen see here video ends and you can see image of 20 seconds duration well this image is just an still image designed on Photoshop, but now 

I want to remove this and instead of this I want one of those animated End screen one thing you should know that these end screens have to be 20 seconds if you check the duration of this image it has 20 seconds of duration now I'm removing it and instead of this 

i want to use animated end screen so let's choose one from here this one is very interesting if you see it has a transition from video to this end screen similarly this one and this one too I like this one this is starting from a side so now

 How do I create a YouTube channel template?

I want to download this end screen and to download just click on this download button with an arrow icon and it starts to download my download manager is on other screen right now once 

it is downloaded you will see a zip file and unzip this file I'm creating a folder on desktop   and here are 2 files one thing you don't need to use both files this is just a preview video and this one is .mogrt M O G R T this can be installed in Premiere Pro keep one thing in mind you need to have the latest version of Premiere Pro 

because in last article I received many messages that Premiere is not supporting these just because they were using old version CS6 or CC2018 remember that this works best on CC 2020 now let's use this .mogrt file in our project. 

Now how do we bring it in our project first of all switch to Graphics Workspace you can load Graphics Workspace by clicking here once you click it 

you can see a panel on the right side here you can already see some motion graphics which are present in Premiere by default from Adobe if you want to load our new .mogrt 

just click on this small button at bottom right and then browse to your desktop folder here's the YT folder and from here I'm installing .mogrt by the way .mogrt means Motion Graphics Template 

so just open it and it will be loaded here in Premiere sometimes you have to look for the loaded motion graphics I don't know how do they sort in this panel here it is by the way if you are unable to find in your list 

How do you make a professional YouTube banner for free?

Free Templates For YouTube Creators 2021

I suggest you to switch your workspace and come back to graphics workspace anyways here you can see our template and I want to use this in the end of my video and it is 20 seconds clip means it will start from here this will take some time to load 

here's an alert about missing fonts that's as I don't have those fonts installed which are used in this mogrt so that's not an issue 

we can also use some other fonts if you see here when it will play at the time of transition it will be blank from the bottom of course 

I need to delete this old end screen image below as we don't need this now if you see there's black background behind our transition 

here we need our footage behind the transition I'm increasing the footage below transition just like this and 

I want to increase the length of this image as well like this now here we need to change fonts, plus if you want to edit text that you can do if you want to change colors

that can be done as well luckily I don't need to change colors here reason is that this channel's official color is also red 

How do you make a YouTube intro for free?

it will do but if we want to change color then how to do it? 

simply select this and on right panel you can see there's an edit option main text Thanks for reading this is fine 

I can go with this I just want to change fonts from here usually on this channel I use one font and that is Gotham and here it is and 

I'm choosing style bold and decreasing font size from here changing color of  Thanks for Reading to red and from here also changing font to Gotham for  "don't forget to follow" 

choosing smaller font size and changing color now I have to move it up a bit for moving it up look at this on right side 

we have X and Y positions so I have to decrease the value of Y position to move it up that's it. 

Now if you look at the bottom there are few social media icons you can also change these from here you can change the colors of channel circle 

here are links of social media now here you can see Facebook and others first of all I am changing font you can type the font name 

if you know which font you need Gotham Book same with this one and same with this one also and of course we need to change colors which you can change from here going with red 

here you have to add you social media handles here I don't remember her actual handles 

I'm adding only Teach Online and copying same here on twitter and on Instagram of course these are not actual handles. 

How do you make a cover photo for YouTube?

I just had to add something to show you from here we have option for background for background we have start color end color and lines these wavy lines you can change 

it's color but we don't need to change it and if I change end color to red so remember these start and end colors are for background gradient if you want it whole red or any color 

I think white and gray was better I'm just doing it a bit darker in short this so customize-able that it's really fun to work with 

that's it our End Screen is done so let's preview this transition one more thing here you can see a red line on timeline just press Enter key Premiere will analyze all those frames 

which needs to be rendered. It will render and then will show you preview sometimes it takes a little time it's rendered now 

we can see the preview easily it is also using the background music which I already had only change is that our end screen as compared to previous one is attractive, animated and Lush Push  (awesome) this lush push is a very weird word

now what I want next that animation which you saw in the beginning with Like subscribe and bell icon that I want to add in this video, so let's go to and from here we can select animation from many options here like this one this has some 3D effect which personally

 What do Youtubers use to make their intros?

I don't like this is good it pops up then like and subscribe and bell icon clicked similarly this one 

but without background so let's download this one so here it's downloaded and I'm extracting this in same folder it's done in this text file they have mentioned font names if you want you can download let's see. 

I'm going to try without downloading fonts 

let's head back to Premiere and in browse panel click on this button and this one which is 303 I'm loading it 

It's loaded in to premiere just scroll down a bit and you will find it here it is I'm dragging it and dropping here on my time line and by the way 

it also has click sounds now again it is asking for missing fonts this is quite large in size and see it is showing different font for Subscribe that's not an issue. 

I'm selecting it and from here I'm selecting same Gotham font Gotham Bold and Gotham bold for this one as well let me tell you the difference in both texts subscribe has a red background once 

it is clicked it will turn gray SUBSCRIBED with and changing it to Gotham bold as well now if you see preview it also has some good click sounds here's the audio track for this animation you can bring it on above tracks and you can use it multiple times I feel it is quite big in size 

so I selected it and head to Effects Control and lower the scale value of it that's it a bit more smaller and changing it's Y position to move it down

How can I make my thumbnails attractive?

 I want to repeat this 2 - 3 times just click and drag while pressing ALT key it will create a copy make sure you have selection tool in hand press ALT key and drag it it will make another copy just like 

we do it in Illustrator or Photoshop make sure you have selected both audio and video clip together you can copy as many times you want now let's play it to preview this will make your work very very easy one more thing I want to tell you so right now there is a Lower Third already here 

if you want Lower Third that is also available it's not in YouTube link here on top you can see a separate  category for Lower Thirds and you can download any lower third from here and similarly you can customize these like we did in other 

.mogrt files you can change fonts or whatever you want to change you can do it easily and add on top of you video it's really fun when when you can perform difficult tasks so easily

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