How To Make Money On YouTube Without Making Videos 2021

I've made over $3,665 in the past 28 days from a single YouTube channel and this is just one of my nine YouTube channels. 
this comes out to an average of about $130 a day. 
And like I said I run nine different YouTube channels and this channel that I'm showing you guys right here this is actually one of my smaller channels. 

it is definitely possible to make over $100 every single day using YouTube and in this article today I'm gonna show you how simple YouTube videos are making tons of money and more importantly how you can too. 

Even if you have no experience and you have no subscribers this method works and I'm gonna show you how to do it. 

how you can make $100 a day or more right? 

Because a lot of the channels that I'm gonna be showing you guys today are making a lot more than $100 a day literally making videos where you don't have to do any of the recording yourself okay? 

You don't have to be on camera you don't have to be a personality you don't have to do any of this stuff yet you can still make a lot of money using this method that I'm about to be sharing with you guys today because, listen, I know a lot of people don't have cameras,they don't wanna appear in front of a camera, this method doesn't require any of that. 

Anyone almost anywhere can start doing this and start making a ton of money from it and make sure not to skip ahead to any parts of this article because there is one huge mistake that a lot of beginners make that they don't allow them to make a ton of money with YouTube and I'm gonna be sharing with you guys that mistake so make sure you don't miss that. 

Don't skip ahead in this article read this full article so you understand this method inside and out. 

without further ado let's hop on my computer here and let me show you how you can start doing this yourself. 

Money On YouTube 2021

I can show you guys some actual channels that are doing this and more importantly how you can too. So let's hop on the computer here. 

not too long ago I came across this YouTube channel right here called Health Pedia and as you can see this channel has 531,000 subscribers. 

Now what surprised me so much about this YouTube channel is something that I'm going to show you guys in just a second and I think you guys are gonna be pretty shocked at what I'm about to show you as well. 

But this channel basically just uploads health videos. 

As you can see "Most People Don't Know Howto Use Apple Cider Vinegar" "5 Simple Exercise That Will Transform Your Body How to Lose Weight Burn Fat Without Working Out and they've got all of these types of videos and they upload pretty frequently. 

Not as frequent as I would actually recommend uploading but they upload about one two three four times a week. And in just a second I'm gonna be showing you guys one of their videos and how much money that video actually made and then how easy these videos actually are to make. 

before I show you that, actually I just wanna show you how much this channel is making just from ads alone You guys aren't gonna believe this So just from ads alone if we go to their Social blade statistics right here I actually have an extension called Social blade which you guys can download.
 It's completely free and you can see how much YouTube channels are making. 
I have that extension on my Google Chrome browser right here and if we click Social blade stats on this given channel as you guys can see this channel is making between two and $38,000 per month just from ads on their YouTube channel. 

This Social blade plugin estimates how much channels are making just from ads alone. 

YouTube Monetization 2021

And it gives you this wide range from$2,000 to $38,000 a month and I can tell you guys from experience from running channels in niches similar to this channel right here that that number is most likely on the higher end of that scale and that's because this channel is actually in the health niche and the health niche is what I like to call a high CPM niche and a high CPM  basically means that you get paid more per thousand views as you would on other channels that just make generic videos and stuff.

 If you're in a specific niche like the health niche or the tech niche niches like this you're going to make a lot more per thousand views on your YouTube channel.

 So I would actually estimate that this channel is actually on the higher end and I would estimate just to guess obviously this isn't guaranteed that they're making this much but I would guess they'remaking at least $30,000 a month just from ads alone, and you're probably saying Matt that's fine and good I would love to make an extra $30,000 $40,000 a month from a YouTube channel. 

But how in the world do I actually make videos and how do I make them good enough so that millions of people watch my videos and I'm gonna be showing you just how simple these videos are to make in just a second and how you can start making these videos from home and start earning income from home you guys are gonna wanna stick around and see this. 

How To Make Money On YouTube

looking at their Social blade statistics right here. This channel it estimates making between $7,000 and $100,000 a year. I would actually guess that they're making a little bit more than $100,000 a year because their channel has really started blowing up somewhat recently actually. 

9.6 million views in the past 30 days No 9.6 million views,that's a lot of views and you're probably saying, "How in the world am I gonna get 9.6 million views in the past 30 days  Especially if you're just starting out with zero views and zero subscribers how do you start? 

This is something that I hear so much and I'm going to be showing you guys how you can start doing this yourself even if you have zero views and zero subscribers this method works. 

taking a look at this channel right here if we go to about section of this channel this channel is actually located in India because I know I have a lot of viewers from India. Shout out to everybody from India who's watching this video.

How Much Does YouTube Pay

 A lot of people ask me does this method actually work in India and yes it does. 

You can start doing this method if you live in India if you live in the United States if you live in the U.K there's so many different countries that this method actually works in and I wanna just show you guys I wanted to point out the this channel is India and it's incredibly successful. 

there's no excuses guys you can do this if we go to their video page right here. 

This is what's probably going to shock you the most about this channel how easy these videos are to make now if you don't believe me let me show you we go to their videos right here and what really shocked me i was on their video page I'm always looking for different channels and different niches to start more channels than other niches because like I mentioned earlier on in this video I run nine different YouTube channels and I wanna actually expand my operation and start making more YouTube channels in different niches so I came across this channel in the health niche. 

This channel I was going through all of their videos right here as you can see like this they were getting 17,000 views 145,000 views that's a lot and I was just going through these videos until I came across this video right here 20 million views in the past month. 
That is absolutely ludicrous guys 20 million views in the past month. 

And the video is called how to Get a Flat Stomach in a Month at Home Without Equipment abs Workout Planking by Health Pedia That's what the video is called and, as you can see from the thumbnail right here they have someone doing a plank and then they have someone doing a plank again and what I've noticed is these before and after type thumbnails work incredibly well on YouTube. 

Take a look at some of their other channels like how to Reduce Back side Fat in One Month at Home a lot of these before and after thumbnails tend to perform extremely good and there's tons of examples of these. 

I searched the exact name of this video how to Get a Flat Stomach in a Month and as you can see there's a lot of these type of before and after pictures and a lot of them are just animations like this one right here that work incredibly well. 

Some of them are real pictures but a lot of them are actually just animations. 

You can make these thumbnails or you can pay someone on Fiver five dollars to make you a thumbnail. These I guarantee you these videos are making a lot more than $5 each and let me just show you how simple these videos are to make. 

How To Earn Money From YouTube

if we go back to this channel right here and we click on this video that got 20 million views in a single month. 

If we click on this video right here you guys aren't gonna believe this first of all we have an add playing on the video so this channel is making money from ads on their YouTube channel. 

And this is a high CPM niche if we skip this ad right here and we go to the video let's take a look at this video right here. 

You guys aren't gonna believe this as you can see the video starts out they have this type of intro right here how to Get a Flat Stomach in One Month at Home and then they put some stock footage and they have a robot voice doing these videos. 
Can you guys believe this? 

Listen to this. The have a robot voice doing the voices on their videos i see a lot of people saying i don't wanna do voice overs on my videos i don't wanna show my face i don't wanna record my voice i have an accent people aren't gonna understand me.
Even if you have an accent even if you don't wanna put your voice on videos even if you don't wanna record your face on video you can still do this and this channel and this video with 20 million views in one month is absolute proof of that.

YouTube Earnings

look at this video right here. They put some royalty free stock photos and videos that you can find absolutely free on places like Pixabay Pexels and Videvo These are all places you can get totally free videos to use within your videos and you can start making videos like this and you don't have to aro ad block voice either. 

That's the beauty of this method.  can record your own voice doing this. 

I'm gonna show some of their other videos in which they're actually recording their voice and you guys aren't gonna believe that as well but first of all let's take a look at this video a little bit more. 

It's basically just going over methods on how to lose body fat Because that's a common thing that a lot of people search for on YouTube they made a video that has an incredibly high search volume and they implemented a ton of things that I'm gonna be getting into on this video sharing with you guys how they did it and they ranked that video and now they're getting a ton of views and they're making a ton of money. 

From this video alone I would estimate that they made at least $40,000 to $50,000 from a single video. It could be as high as $100,000 from a single YouTube video. 

And ads aren't the only way this channel is making money. 

This channel if we scroll down right here this channel is actually selling merchandise. 

as you can see right here, they are selling Tee Spring merch. Tee Spring actually directly integrates with YouTube now so people can sell merchand I'm actually doing that on a lot of my channels now. 

I'm making some pretty decent side income from it, but I make most of my money from ads but then I have some other alternative monetization methods as well that I actually make a lot more than ads and allow me to actually make more money from a channel with 7,000 subscribers than a channel with a million subscribers. 

And that is why affiliate marketing and selling digital products out the back end of my YouTube channels. 

Now this channel right here that I'm showing you guys Health Pedia this is the perfect channel to also integrate affiliate marketing into as you can see in their description right here they do have some links to different places to buy healthy food and all of this stuff but I don't think these are actually affiliate links. 

These just look like links to their thing. They're leaving a lot of money on the table by not putting affiliate links into their description. 

They could be making a lot more that's something that I recommend you guys doing as well now that I showed you guys that video let's go back right here back to their main channel page and let's click their most recent video right here most People Don't Know Howto Use Apple Cider Vinegar and here we go showing another add on the video three two one let's skip that add right there.

 And there we go with the robot voice again They literally use a robot voice on their videos. 

And I'm gonna be showing you guys another channel here in just a second in which people actually use their real voices on and even though they have an accent they're still getting a ton of views if we go back to the search results of how to get a flat stomach within a month. 

As you can see, the first video that shows up here is from a channel called Ways and How and they have actually 1.3 million subscribers if we go to this video right here they have a voice over person going over the video and then they put some text on the video and then they just show royalty free stock footage in the background of their videos and this channel is making between $800 and $13,000 every single month from their YouTube channel. 

Here's another channel also making super simple videos basically just making educational videos and as you can see brain tastic educate yourself from home. 

Subscribe now and join India's smartest community this is an other channel that's actually based in India so it doesn't matter where you guys are this is possible to do when we go through this channel right here as you can see they have all these questions like if blood is red why are the veins blue and they have all these different questions like commonly asked questions that a lot of people are wondering  right now if we click the Social blade statistics on this channel this channel is making between $1,000 and$19,000 every single month just from ads on their channel alone $8,000 to $100,000 every single year just from ads alone on their YouTube channels and this channel especially could sell courses out the back end and they would make a lot more from their YouTube channel from courses if they're selling them than from ads because it's an education based YouTube channel and there is so much huge potential in that. 

if we go through these videos right here I'm gonna show you something really shocking that's going to probably surprise a lot of you guys a ton. let me show you guys this. If we go through all of heir videos right here let's take a look at their most recent video 14 hours ago why are Veins Blue in Color when the Blood is Red 
And if we click this video right here there we go we have an add playing on the video which means the channel is monetized and they're making money from their channel. 

How Do You Make Money On YouTube

We skip this ad right here as you can see they have this kind of intro right here and then they have someone talking so no matter where you guys are if you're in India or if you're in the United States you can start making these types of videos and making money from them they record a voice over of their real voice talking it doesn't matter if you don't have a microphone you can do it on your cell phone. 

When I first got started in this i would actually record voice overs on this crappy little iPhone that I had and I was making $9,000 a month from it which isn't bad for a 16 year old kid this is definitely possible and they just record a voice over they put these stock clips they answer all these different trivia questions and this channel makes a lot of money doing this and I'm telling you guys that I make so much money from this not to break but to show you guys that it's really possible to do this for yourself. 

let's take a look at yet another channel doing something similar to this. 

This channel is called Trend Max and they make all of these videos like the Biggest Animal in the World  and the Most Expensive Dog Houses in the World the Best Gaming Keyboards things like this and if we go to their Social blade stats this channel trend backs is making between $4,000 and $66.7 thousand every single month from their YouTube channel guys this is possible i'm trying to show you that these are all different people running a lot of these different YouTube channels and there are so many people out there doing this and I wanna prove to you guys that this is really possible for you guys to do and a viable option for earning income on the Internet. 

look at this between$54,000 and $867,000 a year a year guys on their YouTube channel. 

How To Create A YouTube Channel And Make Money

Now here's another channel doing pretty much the exact same thing called Talltanic and if we go to their channel right here as you guys can see doing pretty much the exact same thing and they do all these types of videos like world's Funniest Engineering Fails that's a good thumbnail right there. 

It captures people's attention 16 Places You're Not Allowed to Visit 43 million views 28 million views these videos get a lot of views. 

Here's another channel doing something similar called Origins Explained. 

This channel is absolutely killing it. 

Wait until I show you guys how much this channel is making if we go to the Social blade statistics of this channel right here called Origins Explained making between $30,000 and $400,000 a year from their YouTube channel. 17 million views 17 million views 16 million views these people are absolutely killing it on YouTube and the trap that I see so many people fall into when they start making channels in this niche I'm gonna be showing you guys an example of what not to do when you start making money on YouTube is they just give up they stop uploading videos. 

Guys, when you find something that works keep uploading videos what I always recommend is uploading around 33 videos and if none of them take off either one change the niche or two change your approach in that given niche keep uploading videos consistently but maybe change around thumbnails a little bit to try to increase your click through rate. 

How Do You Make Money On YouTube

Maybe play around with your editing and try to increase your average watch time. 

There is all kinds of things to do and I've actually created a system of how to do this yourself If you guys are interested,you can check out, I have a completely free training. It'll be the first link down in the description if you guys are interested it's totally free go sign up for it. 

You guys will not be disappointed  here's what not to do I came across this channel called Keeping it Karl and this guy at first glance you see he has 1.15 million subscribers. 

He's just absolutely killing it he's got all these views on all of his videos 4 million views 3.5 million views 20 million vies and these videos are super simple but before I show you guys how much this channel is making and where he went wrong let me show you an example of one of his videos right here 11 Cars you Won't Believe Exist and if we click this video right here as you can see we've got ads on the video meaning that this channel is monetized and if we skip this ad right here as you can hear he just does a voice over on the video with his own voice and then he shows all of these different cars that you won't believe exist. 

you can do a little bit of research and look up all of these different things like different cars different planes different cats even and you can find articles and basically make some of these articles into videos and make sure that your videos fall under the guidelines of fair use and I actually teach how to do that in my YouTube course if you guys are interested too and then a link will be down below where you can get that course as well. 

But let me show you where this guy went wrong as you can see his latest video was two years ago it's like, guys if you'redoing this good on YouTube do not quite uploading videos Keep going don't stop okay? 
This guy was getting so many views i don't know what happened to this guy or anything but I just wanna show you when you're succeeding on YouTube you don't wanna quit now if we go to the Social blade statistics of this guy's channel right here as you can see this guy is still making between $200 and $4.5 thousand dollars a month and between $7,000 and $100,000 a year. 

This guy could still be potentially making a full time income from his channel even though he quit uploading two years ago. 

That is the power of YouTube and that's the true beauty of this method that I'm sharing with you guys today that you can quit uploading and if you have a backlog of videos like this guy does. 

He has all of these videos or actually not too many videos only a couple rows of videos and he's still making that much from his YouTube channel because all of his videos are so good. 

I guarantee you they have a super high click through rate and super high audience retention which are the two biggest factors for going viral on YouTube. So, the reason I say this is something not to do is just because of the uploading guys. Don't quit uploading if you find something that works. 

Keep going with it because that $100,000 a year he could be making from his YouTube channel could be as high as $5 million if he kept uploading consistently,and that's the power. 

A lot of YouTube growth can continue to be exponential you'll see your YouTube growth kind of go a little bit up every single month and then all of a sudden it'll just sky rocket and that's the power of building up a backlog of videos and implementing similar metadata which in my opinion is kind of the secret to going viral and making money on YouTube and especially if you'restarting out from complete zero. 

And I teach this entire method of my secret SEO keyword process and implementing similar metadata in my course and again you can sign up for that at the link below and join the course member community where we are blowing channels up. If you want your channel to blow up be sure to check out the course down at the link below whatever you do, don't stop uploading like this guy did with his YouTube channel. 
I just wanted to show you guys some of these channels to prove to you that it is possible to start making money with YouTube if you're absolutely new and you don't know where to start with making money on YouTube you're starting with zero subscribers and zero views check out the free training that I have for you down at the first link in the article and check out this article right here of some of my best article on how to start making money on YouTube. 

This playlist right here is like absolute gold if you wanna start making money online on the Internet utilizing YouTube thanks so much for reading guys see you next time. 

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