How to close your Facebook account

 Facebook suspension inspection

It can be difficult to close Facebook and delete your account permanently because there are different ways to close Facebook accounts or you can then reserve the option to reuse your user ID. Want.

But for those who want to create a clean, permanent way of their own accord and delete Facebook from their lives, here is a simple summary of what to do before plugging it in and it can be considered.
How to close your Facebook account
How to close your Facebook account

Facebook vs. Suspended Facebook
Language Foundation has been excluded from using the network referring to permanent account closure , which may include a Facebook account . In other words, "delete" is the verb. Uses Facebook to describe inactive account closure. When people "delete" their accounts, they can no longer retrieve their information, photos or postings. To join Facebook, they must start a completely new account.

For people who only want a temporary suspension , or who want to retain the ability to reuse their identity, to change their mind later, using Facebook is "inactive." And this process is different. ( Disable Facebook to temporarily suspend your account or how about , see our separate guide.)

Either way, the content you keep online for the most part, with your "friends" as well as everyone else on the network, either permanently (if you delete it) or temporarily (If you are inactive.) Each process has a different format. To fill This article explains how to delete or close a Facebook account, not suspend it.

Leaving Facebook for good

Okay, so you've decided that you have the largest social network in the world . How should you permanently close your Facebook account?

Here are some things to think about:

Save your luggage

How many photos and videos have you posted, and do you have backup copies of them online or offline? If you only have duplicates on Facebook, would you be bothered to remove them? If so, you'll want to take the time to save some photos offline before closing your account. One way to do this is to download your Facebook archive. Go to "Account Settings", then "General," then "Download a copy of my Facebook data," then "Start my archive."

Contact information for friends
Do you have a lot of contacts / friends on Facebook who are not in your email contact list or on other networking sites like LinkedIn? If so, you'll want to scroll through your friends list and make a copy of the contact information that people think you want to stay in touch with or may be able to contact later. And if there are a lot of people, you may want to consider a temporary suspension from the permanent removal route, so you can always restore your Facebook account to see your contact list again. At the very least, make sure to download your Facebook archive as described above: This will include a list of all your friends. Another option is to ask your friends to send you a message with their contact information and include their date of birth.

Web apps

Do you have too many apps on the web or on your mobile phone that currently use your Facebook ID as your login? Examples could be Instagram, Pinterest, or Spotify. If you have a lot of apps that use Facebook, it may help to take control of your account on a regular basis as you will need to revise your login for each app. You can check which apps use your Facebook login by going to the "Account Settings" drop-down menu at the top right, then select "APPS". Most apps let you go and change your login, but not all. Be sure to check Facebook permanently before shutting it down.

Finding and filling and # 34; Delete & # 34; Form
Okay, so you have decided that you are ready to close your account and stop Facebooking for good.

There's an easy way to do this, but finding the exit form can be difficult because Facebook is no longer under your "Account Settings". You can always go to Facebook Help and find "Delete Facebook" or use this link directly on Facebook's "Delete My Account" page directly. Then fill out the form after reading the warning and instructions for "deleting" your account.

Initially, the deletion page should contain the following warning: "If you do not think you will use Facebook and your account will be deleted, we can take care of it for you." Retrieve the account or any content or information you've added. If you still delete your account, click "Delete My Account."

If this is exactly what you want to do - leave the network permanently - then go ahead and click the "Delete My Account" button to get started. You will still have another screen where you can change your mind.

The next screen will ask a few questions that will invite you to confirm your decision. Keep in mind, once you confirm, it cannot be deleted.

Facebook says it takes several weeks to delete an account. While a few residual symbols of your user identity may remain buried within Facebook's database, none of this may be worth any information you have, Facebook or anyone else on Facebook.

More help to quit Facebook
Facebook has its own help page for closing accounts and

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