Earn $6,000+ By Copy & Pasting | Make Money Online 2021

Earn $6,000+ By Copy & Pasting | Make Money Online 2021

This article I show you how to earn $6,000 by just copy and pasting, which is one of the easiest ways   to make money online. How to do it? 

We’re about to find out. This is, how to earn money by copy and   pasting! Also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed.

So if you end up getting value out of this video, consider subscribing with notification on,   it’s free and you can always change your mind later. In that way I will notify you whenever   I have a new and fresh strategy to make money online, so you can be one of the first to use it.   

Thus of course make the most money.These people right here are making thousands upon   thousands of dollars in complete passive income. And today I will show you how you can do the same how you can set up a passive income stream that will allow you to earn thousands of dollars   without having to invest hours and hours of your precious time and doing any hard work at all. Now just before we get to the exciting part comment down below I am from blank  your country. 

In that way I will know exactly where you're from. 

So in the future I can make sure that every single article I release is meant for you. 

So drop your country’s name in the comments down below. And don't forget, I have a special bonus for you at the end of this article so make sure to stick around and keep watching all the way until the end.

With all of that said let's now jump straight into the video so I can show you everything.The main platform that we will be using today in order to make money online is actually going to be Amazon.com, a site I reckon 90% of you watching have heard about before.

And as such, most of you will probably think that this involves selling something. But let me make   it clear right away that that is not the case whatsoever you will not be selling anything and you won't be doing dropshipping or whatever. 

You will see how we will be using Amazon to get paid   because I will explain everything to you in just a second. 

But first off what you’ll need to do is go over to Amazon's official website and create an absolutely free account. 

To do so just hover your mouse right up here where you’ll be able to see it says New Customer, and then click on the Start Here button right next to it. 

That will then take you to this page where you’ll need to enter your name and email address create a password retype that same password and just click on Create your Amazon account

Now that you have your Amazon account let me explain how and why we will be using Amazon in order to make money. 

The way we will be making money is through Amazon Kindle.

For those of you who don't know on Amazon Kindle people are selling various eBooks and making   mind-blowing amounts of money in the process. 

For example this eBook is selling for $15   and has had over 6,000 reviews meaning that at least a minimum of 6,000 purchases have been made.

Earn $6,000+ By Copy & Pasting | Make Money Online 2021

And so if you do the math that's like $90,000 made which is just crazy. 

And do keep in mind that this is far from the only eBook that has made that much money.

There are many more eBooks with similar numbers.

his one right here is selling for $12 and has had over 31,000 reviews.

In other words we're talking about $372,000 made at bare minimum even more than the previous example.

Here's another one I found it cost $10, and has had over 5,000 reviews.

So we're talking about $50,000 made at bare minimum which is once again a lot of money.

There are tons of examples I can go over here but I think you get the point.

By selling eBooks you can make outright ridiculous amounts of money on Amazon. Furthermore the sheer popularity of Amazon as well will allow you to make a lot of money selling those eBooks.

Take a look at this, Amazon is being visited by not hundreds of thousands or millions but literally billions of people per month.

More specifically around 2.7 billion or so visited Amazon in the past month It's one of the most popular platforms today by far with only a handful of websites having more visits.

In any case the point is that this has a huge potential. There's a lot of money to be made by selling those eBooks on Amazon simply because it's so popular.

And another great thing is that once you upload that eBook on Amazon it stays there forever and Amazon will promote it for you and get customers to purchase it. 

You won't have to advertise yourself anywhere.

As such you don't   need a social media presence either. 

Once you upload the eBook your work is basically done.

However if you were to sell eBooks you would need to be a writer which of course requires a set of skills Well you actually don't this is because I will show you in this article a website that will allow you to grab finished and done for you eBooks that you will then be able to sell on Amazon Kindle to make a ton of money without lifting a finger. 

So make sure you keep watching. Before we get to that platform though there is one last thing you will need to do. 

And that is to go over to KDP.Amazon.com and then click on the Sign In button right here so that you can actually publish your eBooks

And by the way down here you can see further benefits of selling eBooks on Amazon. For starters it takes literally five minutes to publish an eBook on Amazon. 

So it will basically be published instantly. 

And as you can see below you will retain 70% of the profit if the person who purchased the eBook is from the US, Canada, UK, Germany, India, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, and many more that are not listed. 

And for those wondering this indeed is available worldwide there's no place where Amazon is not available that's for sure. 

But real quick if you guys are enjoying this article in which I’ve put a lot of time and energy to actually do I would really appreciate it if you guys tap the like button and make sure you subscribe with notification on. 

And if we get 2000 views on this article I’ll drop a brand new article next week to show you guys exactly.

doing basic stuff like this in the comfort of your home. 

Now let's get back to the article.

Earn $6,000+ By Copy & Pasting | Make Money Online 2021

With all of that said and done now that you've seen how much potential this has and how much money everyday people are making selling those eBooks it's finally time for me to show you the platform I was talking about from the very beginning of this article a platform where you can get done for you eBooks that you can then sell for a big profit.

That site is called PLReBookClub.com. This is a site where you can find over 21,000 digital products   as you can see right here but more importantly for us with private label rights eBooks  a.k.a. PLR eBooks you have the ability to add yourself as the author if you wish and sell them.

So as you just heard on this platform you can do basically whatever you want to with the eBooks you can claim you're the author and indeed sell them on Amazon to make thousands of dollars even though you haven't written the actual eBooks yourself. 

Moreover as you can see here there are over 400 niches meaning that you can find an eBook related to just about anything   that you think would sell best, whether it's weight loss and fitness, gaming, or whatever you will be able to find it on this site. 

To be able to grab an eBook on this site, what you will need to do is click on Get started Today right up here, and that will then bring you to this page where you can see that you need to invest $15 a month to be able to download 20 eBooks a month.

before you click off this video, I want you to think about that for a second. You've seen previously that a single eBook can make you literally over $50,000.

So when you think about it, being able to sell 20 eBooks per month doesn't sound that bad now does   it? 

Moreover there's a big reason why I'm showing you this site despite the fact that it isn't free.

And that reason is that this platform has unique eBooks that you can't find anywhere else online.

If you were to use some other PLR websites that offers you eBooks for free you would find that you cannot sell them on Amazon because they have been used so many times before.

Thus you can’t earn any money selling them. But by using eBooks from this site you can actually make a lot of money because they are as I said unique and you don't have to do anything whatsoever once you download them and upload them into Amazon.

Lastly you can see that they offer you 60-days Money Back Guarantee. 

So this essentially removes all of the risks for you. 

If you don't like the site or whatever you can just ask for a refund and that's it you stand to lose nothing in the end.

In case some of you still want a free website what I would recommend you do is search for PLR   eBooks on Google and then use some of these that you find even though they are overused as I said   but you can sometimes find newer ones that you can use for free and sell on Amazon to make some decent amounts of money passively. And that wraps it up. And now if you want to   earn even more money

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