How To Land More Upwork Clients With This New Feature | Make Money Online upwork 2021

 Hey, what's going on everyone Zeeshan Ali here with Profitable Freelancer and in this article.
Zeeshan Online Tv 

I want to dive into a topic that Upwork just kind of announced officially and I really   think it's a great way for a lot of people to go out there and to land more high-paying clients.   

Really just utilizing the platform that Upwork already has in capitalizing on some of their new   features. 

one of the emails I got that told me that their new feature was finally launched   was this email right here and this is basically where they announced that their new   projects feature has been launched and is live to the public and they describe it as   

"where the work you love finds you

and if we just zoom out a little bit there's a lot of   kind of momentum around freelancing websites and some of the most popular ones are Upwork and are but the thing is if you've seen my last video you know this already but if you haven't   there's a pretty distinct difference between the two. 

Whereas with Upwork it usually takes a little   bit more of the sales process going back and forth with a client and therefore that usually typically   turns out to be more of a long-term relationship. 

Whereas with Fiverr it's you know if we hop over   to Fiverr's website real quick we can see that they're really just more of an e-commerce based   website. 

That's really looking to take all that sales process out and just sell the most services   and you can see that as you go through their website they obviously have a lot of different   in-demand services for offer on here but there's not that much back and forth when you reach out   to a freelancer. 

On Fiverr you already have a couple pre-defined packages so if we go into   one of these categories like let's say customize your website and then we click into one of these   we can see that they can bundle them together into different service packages on a basic a standard   and a premium level.

 Now what Upwork has done and that's this new email I'm bringing up to you is   that they basically modeled after this exactly and with the project catalog they're basically saying   hey this is a way for clients to find you and for you to sell more projects without having to go out   there as much and sending proposals out. 

Now if you have a well-optimized profile you already know   Upwork is great for getting people to come to you but if you're just starting out or you don't have   that much experience this can be a very powerful feature.

  if we hop over I want to show you   recently what happened with this how you can build a project on Upwork   and a little bit of what to expect during that process.

once you're on your Upwork dashboard   all you have to do is go to the find work tab and go to what's called

 "my project dashboard"  

 and when you go there you're going to get to the project dashboard page and this is where you can   kind of see exactly how the project catalog works 

so you get an order you wait for the requirements.   

You send the work by the deadline and then you get paid for it now this is all about Upwork   looking to the future looking at how they can help freelancers more how they can help clients more   and ultimately how they can really just progress the pace of remote work and freelance work.

 if you look at some of these questions you know they're great to just kind of explain exactly   what the project catalog is how is how does it work all of that but in this article it's just   to give you a quick summary of it and I want to show you the project that I actually built   and if you go into the actual project tab 

you can see that it looks very very similar   to Fiverr so if we hop over to Fiverr we can see you know there's the three packages you have   your image on the left you have your description down below. 

It's the same exact thing on Upwork   and as you go down you can see that it actually carries along your same profile.

 your Upwork profile kind of gets carried over here along with your rating if you're top-rated   like I am that will get carried over and this is really where you go into the details of the   project. 

You outline the different steps and the different requirements and you can even put in a   bunch of frequently asked questions and then below that that's where it includes your profile and   all of your reviews. 

 if you can start to just look ahead in the future a little bit that's when   you can really have the most success.

 I really I just want to walk you through now how simple it is   to go in here and to edit this kind of project. 

 if you're starting from scratch you're obviously   not going to click edit you're going to click create a project but knowing that you know you   can watch me go through this it's very very simple to set up and if you do a couple of things I'm   about to show you.

I really think you can stand out so this is where you will put in the title   and it tells you to focus on the benefits of what the client's going to get now this is important   this is where you're going to really kind of just boil down exactly what you want to get into   use a keyword or two and make sure that you're really focusing on every single service package   you offer. 

for example for mine I'm doing google ad management I'm not only going to   include the optimization but I'm also going to include the audit so even though this might not   be the actual package they get it 

kind of lets them know exactly the type of services I offer   before they even click and then you really want to make sure you go into the project category and you   want to pick the best project category.
 that makes the most sense because that's how Upwork is going   to find those new clients for you and they're going to suggest this project in the algorithm   

so if you look at how Upwork describes it they're basically saying this is what helps the clients   find your project. 

So you really want to tell them how it's going to benefit them try to come up with   a title that's very kind of direct and really gets to the point. 

Then when you get to the next page   this is where you can kind of break down the different packages now 

I don't want to get too   much into this because every single service you offer is going to be different but for my case 

I   basically broke it down into three different steps with the starter being kind of just a google ads   audit the standard being more of kind of building some campaigns out for people

 and the audit and   then the advanced is more of a full month of management but you can really do this however   you want and based on what category you choose that's 

what is going to come up in these different   pricing tiers and these different variables. 

Here so once you do that that's when you get   to the next step and the next step is actually creating the images and this is really where   

I'm really encouraging you to use a platform I love called Canva and this is where I created   the images for this and if you notice in this one I actually have the words on the top 

and   when I submitted it Upwork disapproved it. 

 make sure when you're doing this to not have   words in your image and you just want it to be a photo-based image so for me I really think that   building a personal brand with freelancing is so important and that's 

why I put my   face here and that's also why I put the Google Ads logo the updated logo along with just a computer   and I put in my Google Partner badge up here. 

 that's what I did for that and then I took a   screenshot of some of my really good reviews I put that just into a photo and I uploaded that   onto the actual the image gallery. 

 once we go and we look at the project you're gonna see that   you really want a photo like this cover image

 I'm showing you you can kind of pick which one   you want to be the cover image and this is what's really going to get people's attention   

and remember people like to work with other people 

 that's why I really encourage you   put your face out there try to build your personal brand. It's really going to help you get ahead of   the competition and then this is when you get into the description is the next step this is where you   want to summarize exactly 

what you're going to do in this project and really try to make it very   very simple because the whole uh the whole thing with this is the more information you can provide   in the project in this summary in the different steps of what's going to happen during the process   and then all the frequently asked questions the more time you put in there. 

The better the actual   on boarding is going to be when you get a client because number one they're already going to know   what's required of them they're already going to have their most frequently asked questions   answered so that really puts them in a place where if they're ready to make some moves and to hire   a freelancer. 

It can really cut out the length of the sales process there and then after that   

if you save and continue from there this is when you will get into just some of the more specific   requirements exactly what you need and after that that's when you go into the review of the project   they're going to ask you how many projects you can handle at once and for me

 I put three in but   just make sure you don't put one or two. I think anything three or above because you want Upwork to   know and you want the algorithm to know

 that you can actually handle a good amount of these at the   same time and of course, you don't want to lie you want to really be honest with it.

but let's just   say you did have three or four or five of these come in that's awesome because probably those are   opportunities that you might not have gotten so you don't want to limit yourself right off the bat   

if that makes sense and then it goes into a little bit of a copyright notice saying that you own all   the rights of everything all the images and all of the content it goes over their terms and services 

and the privacy notice and before you do that I really encourage you to click this preview project   tab because that's where you can go and you can see how it's going to look for the client. 

Now  of course it's saying you know I can't purchase this because I'm in my own account but you can   just see what it looks like as you toggle through the different level of packages what it includes.   

Once again you know you can see how your profile is directly linked up which is why your reputation   is so vital and this is basically it you know you go out there you build a project you build   a really good image on Canva and just to provide an update you know in the last article.

 I went over   this new feature how I got early access to it in this article I'm letting you know how you can   set this up to land more high paying clients and I want to give you just a little bit of inspiration   because after I set this up.

I actually had someone reach out to me for this job so they reached out   to me and they messaged me for this job asking a couple questions and we actually ended up setting   a time to meet and that's when you know I'm in the process right now of signing this client. 

already this project catalog has helped me get a new client in the door. 

Now I want to give   you just my opinion just to wrap up I really think this is an awesome feature. 

I think you   should go use it but just to be honest I don't think it's going to really work the same way   that Fiverr platform is kind of working and that's because just the nature of Upwork and   the reason I personally have a lot more success on Upwork is because it's really more geared towards   building a personal brand building your portfolio up finding different clients that   you can partner with for the long-term. 

Even though you know someone might just come here and   just buy an audit from me right off the bat the likelihood of someone actually coming in and just   purchasing a month-long optimization package without even talking to me is really just not that   realistic but that's totally fine because you have to remember it doesn't really matter because I can   still sign this client to an hourly contractor to a monthly contract so it doesn't have to be   in this service tier. 

This is just what gets that client in the door so yeah that was a little bit   of a wrap up on how you can use Upwork projects to have the most success as a freelancer to just   get your project and your personal brand in front of more potential clients that you can eventually   turn into long-term recurring clients. 

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